Star Meow Pet Shop星級貓寵物店於2010年創立,優質異國短毛貓、異國長毛貓,品質保證。並為寵物發燒友提供多種暢銷優質品牌的寵物食糧 (狗糧、貓糧)、零食、衣飾、玩具、日用品、美容用品及寵物精品等。
寵物 / 寵物轉讓星級貓寵物店

HUB915 尖沙咀 位於尖東商業區,交通方便。商業配套、傢俬設備齊全。每日專人辦公室清潔,提供郵寄地址及郵箱,茶水休息間,設有 6 至 8 人用會議室。 如有查詢, 請Tel: 2762 4722 or 6114 6897 Miss Sharon Chan
H物業地產 / 辦公室出租HUB915 Tsim Sha Tsui

Available immediately - Level -2 extremely spacious and easy to park!

中環Soho 旺區樓上全層商廈放租W/F newly furnished office in Soho convenient location for lease
G物業地產 / 商舖租售Golden Era Limi

新裝修會議室出租/ 時租, 交通便利, 中環商業大樓 有最新的視頻會議設施, 可用於會議、研討會或網絡研討會

2 levels House located at Miu Wan ( Temple Bay ), Luk Chau, Lamma Island is ready to move in, Contact no. 92084368.

Quarry Bay Park Prime Time Session bookings available Sessions fill up quick, so book early. Last minute may be available. Want to improve your game - Let’s do it ! 60mins session for any level

另外有大量灣仔銅鑼灣單位及套房出租/售, 歡迎查詢 92333926 Mark more apartments and studios for rent and sell in wanchai and causeway bay, please call if interested 92333926 Mark. Thank you.
C物業地產 / 住宅出租Chinese Property Agency

另外有大量灣仔銅鑼灣單位及套房出租/售, 歡迎查詢 92333926 Mark more apartments and studios for rent and sell in wanchai and causeway bay, please call if interested 92333926 Mark. Thank you.
C物業地產 / 住宅出租Chinese Property Agency

全新品牌,全新概念! 提供服務式辦公室,虛擬辦公室,共同工作空間,秘書服務,公司成立服務、政府公文處理、會計及稅務處理、網上付款、強積金以致申請工作証及居留簽証服務。
物業地產 / 商務中心VIVA by V&G Business Centre

網店, 試業一流 落地玻璃 休閒購物點 步行只需5分鐘到 地鐵站 可作取貨點, Home office , Show flat

私人船位空間大小: 45英尺 (14米) 長,近深灣遊艇俱樂部 Parking size: 45' (14 meter) long - Close to Aberdeen Marina Club

將軍澳日出康城領都車位出租, 全包, 業主免佣, 2021年2月中交吉, L3近9~11座中轉電梯入口.

租金包括 wifi上網、管理費、差餉、24小時閉路電視保安 套房$4000油麻地唐樓 walkup building room for rent with wifi Location : Shanghai Street, Yau Ma Tai

租影樓1800平方尺可供駛用, The service is designed to offer both comfort and practicality ensuring a successful shooting experience
攝影及影音 / 攝影Ganymede Photo Studio

Good and convenient location btw Ya Ma Tei and Jordan MTRs, top floor with good and bright view, suitable for a single in flexible short term or long term stay

The office will be shared with another independent agency. You will have 1-4 desks and storage space. We prefer people who are in the fields of tutoring, strings teaching, consulting, writing and some

銅鑼灣 軒尼詩大廈 3 房 實用面積567尺 / Hennessy Apartments at Causeway Bay for rental
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